The Vintage Bazaar popped up again, this time they were at the Aragon Ballroom. Felix and I have been attending TVB shows ever since they started over at the Dank Haus in February of 2010. It’s crazy to think that we’ve only missed attending 1 (or 2) smaller Christmas pop-up shows in the past 2 years.
What’s even better news for you all is that they’re now shifting to a monthly schedule and will be around all summer long at this new location. This show would be an excellent stop to visit if you’re planning a trip to Chicago over the summer. :)

Walking through the doors, I had no idea what to expect since it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen a show at the Aragon. But it was really nicely lit, semi air-conditioned, had plenty of space to walk around, and need I mention beautiful & clean. (My sneaky husband walked upstairs to the main room and took pictures. I wish I thought of this place for my wedding reception!)

I entered TVB (The Vintage Bazaar) early with Felix for the purpose of taking photos and documenting, which is why you don’t see tons of people yet & why you see other people with cameras in the middle of my photos. heh
The first booth to the right here, Modern Times, had a large box of patterns along with housewares & even vintage “delicates.” I bought these two patterns & a ‘delicate’. A few bazaars ago, I hit the mother load on vintage fabric and have been stopping at Martha’s booth ever since.
This is what I got from Martha of Modern Times:
I fell in love with this suit from Vogue Paris Originals 1254. I normally shy away from patterns from the 60’s, but the cropped sleeves and the bow collar were too pretty to pass up. Before buying, I took out all of the pattern pieces to make sure they were all there. I was pretty hasty and recall their being pieces for the jacket, but I’m going to have to double-check the pieces are there for both the skirt and the blouse.
But the pattern had been used before, which is always great to see. I actually love it when I buy used patterns since it attests to how great the pattern was in 1963, complete with the sewer’s original markings. I always find useful details written on pattern pieces, too. :)
I loved nabbing shots while vendors were still setting up. Below is from Lost & Find Vintage with a few items on chairs and on the floor:
Check out the colorful clothing racks; the various colors & textures always draw me into these clothing booths, but I generally don’t shop for vintage clothing. Somehow that never stops me from browsing.
I hate how when I’m back at home looking through the photos I see something I want! Case in point: The wicker luggage set with yarn flowers on it at the upper left.
I suck a picture of Niki of BombshellShocked as she was looking around. Sadly, I couldn’t find her booth outside to say hello again and shop. There were so many vendors, that even when walking through twice, I still couldn’t find her. Crazy right?!
I think my mother would have died, at seeing Victims of Vintage’s booth:
She and I both love pottery, but she’s the one who got me loving it. There’s a few pieces I could have gone home with but I already have too much as it is, so I held off.
I spotted this great chandelier in the same booth hiding under a table. It looks so fun, I bet it found an owner right away.
That pink mini-mini dresser was begging to come home with me too. Wouldn’t it have been the perfect sewing notions storage case?!
What’s great is that TVB also had a super large outdoor space (aka parking lot) kitty-corner to the Aragon, complete with food trucks.
Again, this photo was taken while people were still setting up so you can still see a whole lane down. There were 5 (?) lanes just like this one full of booths.
Pre-Set up:
I was eying that pretty blue chenille blanket above.
Walking down the first lane I found myself majorly drawn into this booth, unaware of who’s it was.
Then I realized it was Dethrose Vintage and wasn’t surprised; she always has the prettiest & high quality vintage items primarily from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.
I looked to my left and spotted this amazing swimsuit. I wish I pulled it down to hold it up against myself, because it looks like it could have fit me. Oh well… I’m positive this got a loving home.
Walking to the end of the first row I spotted Apricot Vintage & Rachel as she was setting up:
I wish I could have nabbed her dress form/display form.
She had lots of pretty things:
Somewhere in the second row, I stopped dead in my tracks to check out these perfect 40’s shoes:
Aren’t they incredible?! I should have tried them on since they were a size 5, but didn’t since I’m a pretty solid size 4. These shoes were from Sublimelight’s booth.
I got to chatting with the shop owner, Cassandra, and she was really sweet. I took some photos and proceeded down the lane, when her daughters came chasing behind asking if I’d take a look at their swankerchiefs hankerbands. (Did I get that right, ladies, if you’re reading?)
They created tons of these swankerchiefs which is simply a handkerchief with ribbon affixed to either side. So you can wear it like a chic bandana. Isn’t this ingenious idea?! They will soon be avilable in Sublimelight’s etsy shop, but I’m certain the proceeds will go to her daughters; it’s like the crafty (older) girl’s lemonade stand!
I actually picked up this handkerchief, now knowing how I can make use of it. I find there are so many pretty handkerchiefs but we really don’t use them anymore. I think this is a splendid repurposing of them, don’t you?
Somewhere in the middle I found PinkGrapefruit Style’s booth which was huge!
After seeing her at the last Vintage Bazaar at Dank Haus, I’ve saved her etsy shop into my favorites. On her etsy shop she always has little snippets of wonderful notions and trims, and her booth was a major extension of her shop. She had lots of great furniture pieces, but she greatly expanded her fabric selection.
I browsed around for a while and ended up purchasing these three pieces:
Both the pink and the white with blue geometric shapes are light weight cottons, perfect for blouses. But this owl print is the best!!! There isn’t even 1/2 a yard on this fabric, but I had to have it. Can you blame me?! heh I think I’m going to cut out the owls and books to use them as appliques on a skirt or on a decorative dish towel; they need to be seen and loved. :)
At the end of row 3 or 4 (??) I found Maranda’s booth Persnickety Vintage:
Maranda is soo incredibly nice, I bet she could be insta-friends with almost everyone she meets. I always gravitate towards her booth at nearly every show she has since she has not only beautiful clothes & jewelry but usually has vintage sewing patterns & odds and ends.
A wall of wonderful hats from Estate Chicago:
While her hats aren’t in her etsy shop, if you see one you need to have I’m sure you could send her a message and she’d work with you.
Kim of Estate Chicago is actually my neighbor (well… 1/2 a block away neighbor that is) and is so great. I always end up chatting away to her for 20 minutes every time I see her. She hit the motherload at an estate sale not too long ago with all of these gorgeous hats. I actually got this hat from her, when I was at the Modern Vintage Chicago fair last month.
Nearby I happened across another one of my etsy favorite shops: Junk in Da Trunk.
I bought a buttonholer from them about a year ago and I immediately b-lined towards lots of sewing stuff. I found myself looking at this buttonholer… but I need another one like a hole in the head. Instead I bought a sweet little skirt pattern. (To the right in this image they were selling 2 great sewing machines.)
This display pulled me in! I love this green dress and I’m still kicking myself that I didn’t purchase that sweet black purse.
In her booth, more lovelies. Pastel lace & silk dresses, yes please!
In the last row of booths, in the cooling shade I found this booth that was chock full of vintage buttons, jewelery, and odds ‘n ends.
Buttons galore! (I’m pretty certain Ms. Meg the Grand walked away with that whole yellow box of buttons too!)
She had some pretty buttons and I walked away with a set of basic white ones and this cute blue & white polka dot ‘kerchief with the aspiration of making a swankerchiefs hankerband for myself. :)
I always find I need basic white buttons and I use them all up so quickly, I was glad to find some more.
Final Thoughts:
I think this may have been one of the best Vintage Bazaar shows to date. I think Katherine and Libby have found just the right spot with both indoor and outdoor space, along with local (yummy) food trucks, complete with beer & barber shop to keep the ‘gents entertained who aren’t into the shopping aspect of things.
The only downside I found… prices seem to be getting higher. Vendors were still willing to haggle, but after going to flea markets I most likely am a bit spoilt. Even so, I thought most of the prices were suited more towards etsy or brick and mortar shops, and less like a vintage-specific flea market. Things were still relatively reasonable, but I had to pick and choose how I spent my money more than in the past.
It was really, really hot out and I was dripping at certain points even though I was wearing linen and a breezy cotton blouse. (Lemon-blueberry & vanilla ice cream from Jeni’s Ice Cream helped cool me off at the end.) I bet the vendors had a difficult time staying cool. But even so, not all days will be so hot this summer. I still found the show to be great, the vendors were all very personable, and loads of happy shoppers, myself included.
In: Miscellaneous
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