Baconfest 2011

I’m not sure how I initially came across this, but it just sounded silly, so I passed off the link to my husband, Felix.  And of course he thought the idea was awesome and managed to snag us two tickets.  So yes, I went to Baconfest this past weekend.


Basically what happens is they get 50 great Chicago chefs (and resturants) to come and make anything they want, as long as it incorporates bacon.  It was pretty amazing how inventive some of our food was.  It was a fun 3 hours.

These bacon biscotti were amazing; they were the perfect mixture of sweet and salty.

And my other favorite of the fest was the ice cream.  Bacon ice cream sounds gross, but it was really tasty.  It was sweet with a hint of smokey flavor.  It made me feel like I was at a BBQ on a summer day.

And yes, I have a bacon shirt.  It’s complety by fluke that I have this…  It’s a shirt I bought when I was in High School, at the Wisconsin State Fair.

Felix has a picture of everything that either he or I ate at the fest, so if you’d like to see more pictures stop by his blog, avoision.

But unfortunately, that was all the fun I had over the weekend.  The rest of my weekend was spent working on work stuff, the 9-5 work stuff.  I really feel like I need a vacation, just to relax and do my own thing.  What “free” time I had left (aka breaks) I just sat and knit in front of the tv.  I didn’t think I had too many breaks but I seemed to have gotten a decent amount of knitting done over the past week.

BTW: I’ll be choosing the winner of the giveaway this evening, so if you haven’t had time to enter yet, make sure you do by 10 pm!!!!  I’ll be posting up the winner tomorrow.

In: Knitting Miscellaneous

Blogger for 6 years and counting, I am a passionate creator who loves to tinker.

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