All Sorts of Updates

Time seems to have gotten the best of me the past few weeks.  My 9-5 work schedule has gotten exceedingly busy which has oftentimes left me drained by the time I get home from work.  Isn’t work a bummer sometimes?!  But Gertie’s coat sew-along has revived my desire to sew once again which makes me happy.  (Between you and me, I think I went 2 weeks without sewing a stitch.)  I find that I’m a much happier person when I’m sewing and creating things.

Update #1:  My wool coating fabric finally came in the mail!  *Yay*

It looks a bit brighter here than it does in real life, since I had to use a flash on it.  It’s much closer to the color I posted here.  I already steam-shrunk it in the drier, which was the first time I used this shrinking method for my wool.  The fibers seem a bit looser but overall it’s fine and will be great to work with.  I just need to find some lining and a wonderful contrast color for the trim.  Any thoughts on a contrast color for the coat??  I’m thinking either a dove grey, cream, or a complementary teal color (if I can find one).  What do you think though?

Update #2:

While I haven’t been consistent with my sewing, my knitting projects have been booming!  I feel like I’m soo close to finishing up my “Accessory to your Spring Suit” Jumper pattern.

Unfortunately, I have to frog about half of the sleeve.  :(  I did too many decreases and it’s too snug for my forearm now.

I have even knit a large section of my neckline collar and bow for it which gets me all the more closer to finishing it up in time for winter.

I’ve actually put this project on hold this past week (due to the sleeve frogging) in order to whip up a cute little turban for being outside in the cold.

The color is a bit distorted here, the true color is really a pale pink/coral color.

It doesn’t look like much yet, but here’s the official image for the headband via Ravelry:

It’s a free knitting pattern too, 100% perfect for a newbie.  The only things you have to know how to do is a knit stitch, a purl, and how to slip a stitch.  There’s no increases or decreases, just straight knitting.  I’m 75% done with this and I only cast on for it on Tuesday.  *Woooo*

Update #3:

Why am I making this headband for the cold??? Well, Felix and I started running together in the mornings, following the couch to 5k program.  I thought this headband would be the perfect accessory to keep out the morning chill while looking somewhat cute and retro (well, as retro as possible while wearing gym clothes).

(Image taken on day 1 of the running program, a few weeks ago now.)

I work out regularly doing weight training and cardio, but for some reason running outside is really hard on my lungs & heart.  I even used to be a consistent runner, back in the day.  Felix is an ex-smoker and he’s not as consistent with his cardio, so we thought we’d try this out together and see how we do.  We’re now in the middle of week 4 and goin’ good.  I’m gonna be doing even better once I get my warm turban finished up.

Hope you all have a great weekend!  I’m sure I’ll have loads more muslins for you to look at by then.  heh

In: Knitting Sewing

Blogger for 6 years and counting, I am a passionate creator who loves to tinker.

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