Yeah…. that would be me. :)
It’s been a super-long time since I’ve posted an official WIP or a completed knitting project which means that I haven’t been actively knitting. My last knitting post was from back in February, and I’m pretty certain I haven’t been knitting since around the same time. *Gasp*
With the early spring Chicago had this year, I’ve been all about sewing for the spring/summer seasons and haven’t even thought about knitting. Only recently had I been wanting to get back to knitting but didn’t know what to work on. I have several WIP’s that are laying about but they’re all primarily winter items. Additionally I didn’t want to start a new project since I do have so many that are unfinished.
As I was cleaning my bedroom, I found (and was reminded of) my aqua waves jumper that was hiding on the bottom shelf of my night stand. Seeing as how I was going on a family vacation to Michigan for 3 days and also taking a 4 hr drive to Iowa later that weekend for another family event, it was the perfect opportunity to get back to working with my knitting needles.
I have to always be doing something you know…. everyone who’s come to know me personally, knows that I rarely *waste* time by lounging about. If I have a spare moment, it’s always getting filled by some project or activity. During the a short car ride (20 mins or so) I was getting teased by my mom since I’d pulled out my knitting project again to work on. I think it’s particularly funny since she also rarely dawdles around and has an unspoken rule about not turning on the tv or reading a book during the day when she can get some gardening in. :)
Before starting this project once again, I’ve been feeling very nervous about knitting since it’s been such a long time that I’d knit anything. But once I read through the pattern instructions & my project notes to get my bearings, it was quite easy to fall back into knitting this piece.
I’d already completed the main body sections by last fall and during my various car rides to Michigan and Iowa I’d started on the lacey neckline wave portion.
This aqua waves jumper is actually the first knitting project that I’d ever started using one of the pdf patterns that I’ve posted up on the blog. I’m going to be quite thrilled when I complete this guy to have the pattern image vs. my own project image. :)
Yoke Wave Detail (strings and all):
Once I get the second wave panel section completed, which should be either today or tomorrow, I need to pick up stitches on the armscye to complete the small cap sleeves with ribbing. And then I’ll be all done…. after it gets blocked of course :)
It’s so terribly scrunched up and the yoke is quite wavy, it needs a good solid blocking to relax it and help the stitches & eyelet pattern stand out.
Here’s what it should look like on the main body with the eyelet pattern:
Sorry the color got a bit strange… my hands aren’t that red and the aqua doesn’t look neon.
Seeing as how I have yet another long car ride this weekend to go camping in Wisconsin with some friends, I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll have a completed jumper upon my arrival home.
An Aside/Complaining:
Have I mentioned how frazzled I am from the various trips I’ve taken?! They’ve been fun but I’m completely beat!
On short notice we went on a Jung-family trip Monday-Wednesday to Michigan (Felix’s immediate family, my in-laws). Felix’s recap of the trip if you’re interested: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.
I went to work Thursday, worked out, then came home to pack. On Friday morning I repacked the car, drove to work and left at 3pm to pick up my parents to head to Iowa. We arrived at our hotel around 10pm. On Saturday, I went to my great-uncle’s 80th b-day surprise party. Felix doesn’t have a recap up yet… I suspect he’s been home all day napping and playing games since he (smartly) took the day off.
We left Iowa on Sunday around 11am, dropped my parents back home, then headed directly to my Aunt’s house on the north side of Chicago since my Aunt #2 was in town from Texas. I didn’t get home until 9:30pm Sunday evening. *Phew*
I work 9-5 Monday thru Friday this week, and will then be on-the-go once again to Wisconsin for a camping trip with friends.
It’s all been good times, but I have no idea how I got so busy in so little time.
In: Knitting
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