It’s a brand new year and I now have my very own blog. Pure craziness!
While I’m on facebook like the rest of the world, it still seems like a strange concept that I, me… Liz, can put up my thoughts and pictures on a website for everyone to read. My husband, Felix, has run his own website ( for 8 years and counting. He’s made posts on nearly every single one of those days which just boggles my mind! I’m a bit behind the times on this one I guess, but I imagine it’s a thought that all new bloggers share.
I’m not sure how you arrived at my blog, but I’d like to say “hello” and tell you a bit about myself.
For starters I’m sure you’re asking ‘What is Zilredloh?’ To state it simply, it’s my name backwards. My name is Liz and I live in Chicago with my husband of 1 year (Felix) and our two bunnies, Baxter and Quincy. I got Baxter, the white female lop eared rabbit, back in my single days and she’s going on 6 years now. She had a case of mistaken identity and I didn’t have the heart to change her name to a female version after I found out she wasn’t a he. And Quincy we adopted from the Red Door Animal Shelter a little over a year ago, and he’s somewhere around 4-6 years old himself. They make quite a cute pair.
Here’s Baxter eating some of our Christmas tree. All of the lower branches on our tree are now missing because Baxter and Quincy needed a post-dinner snack, apparently. And yes, she’s as soft and fuzzy as she looks. :)
Here’s Professor Quincy Snugglesworth, or just Quincy for short. He looks like such an old man to me with his white underbelly and face. In this pic he’s patiently waiting for food to drop from the counter. My bunnies are all about the food.
This finally this is a shot of me and Felix on our honeymoon in Florence a year and a half ago.
During the day, I work as a research associate at DePaul University. I got my master’s in applied statistics back in 2009, also from DePaul University. To summarize, I work on external surveys, build internal reports, etc. I’m basically a numbers/mathy person in my 9-5 job. I think it’s my ability to be such a detail-oriented and research-oriented, person that allows me to do all the things I do when I’m not at work.
My favorite things include sewing, baking macarons, knitting & crocheting, riding scooters, bookbinding, hugging my husband, and last but not least: petting the buns.
I’ve had such a whirlwind of a year in 2010, when I first learnt how to sew from the needle shop and have done little else with my free time as a result. They gave me a great foundation of skills that I am now up and running on my own, with the help of many great bloggers and books.
I’m looking forward to sharing all I do with you in the upcoming year, and thanks for stopping by.
In: Miscellaneous
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