I’m back once again, this time with my first iteration of the McCalls 6713 dress. Like I said in my earlier post, I’m all about the blues this summer.
I kinda posted out of order on this dress as this is the first make of M6713, and is a bit more true to the pattern.
As you can kinda/maybe see, the fit on the bodice is a bit different than in my Painted City version. In this blue swirls dress, the neckline is the same height. What’s different is that there is 1/2 inch less fabric in the side seam – which makes it more snug. I should note that this blue dress is the fit as is dictated by the pattern for my size.
On the Painted City dress I added 1/2 inch to each of the bodice fronts – which means more neckline drape – or a more relaxed fit. I lengthened the bodice on the Painted City dress by 1/2″ or 3/4″ or so, since I felt like the blue one was a bit high for my true waist.
Additionally, the neckline on the blue dress was stitched with clear elastic from shoulder to side seam – I wanted to prevent gaping. I went a bit overkill on the gape factor and it resulted in a much more fitted & higher neckline than the Painted City version.
See no gape. :)
It’s really small differences between the two dresses, but when I wear them they feel so completely different on. This blue one is much more structured and modest, whereas my City dress is more relaxed & breezy.
Fabric once again comes from Emma One Sock. I was able to buy this piece as a remnant or roll end – which means discounted prices. *Woot* I love that she has clearances & discounts updated on nearly an every day basis. And no… I am not endorsed by EOS in any way, shape or form. Although…. I would be happy to swap fabric for creations. *cough cough*
Part of the issue with not getting a swatch first in this fabric was that I thought these swirly bits were much, much smaller. You can imagine, I really had to work hard on my pattern placement of these circle swirls.
Couldn’t have them placed over my booty, boobs, or vagee. As a result I had to cut very carefully and I felt I wasted a bit more fabric than I normally would have. But it all worked out quite nicely, no?! :D
I can’t act – ever! This is my *nonchalant* look as I pretend to knock on this awesome door. It’s a side door to a church in the University of Chicago campus – but I don’t think this one is being used for a church. Not 15 mins later did a gal come out of the door… Really glad I didn’t knock for real.
As I have loads more items to photograph, it’s been quite nice to venture out and explore our new neighborhood some more. It’s given us quite the opportunity to walk around and check out the campus or a new-to-us park. We’ve been so holed up, working on our house and yard that we haven’t really explored our own neighborhood as much as we ought to have been this past year. But we’re getting there.
Next up: Faux leather Robson Trench! Can’t wait to share it with you guys. :D
In: Sewing
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