It seems that several folks on the interwebs have their bloggiversaries in January (which isn’t surprising in the least).
But it’s strange to think that I’ve been blogging for 2 years now! I was very hesitant to start one up in the first place, but my dear husband Felix was the greatest motivator to get me to have one of my very own. So thank you Felix! You continue to motivate me and challenge me to change it up and have fun.
I’d also like to give a huge shout out to:
You guys have become one of the main reasons why I’m still blogging! Sure, I’d still be blogging about this or that, but you are they peeps that really make my site come to life and make it so much more fun. So thank you dearly, from the bottom of my heart.
What celebration wouldn’t be complete without a present?! In honor of 2 years’ worth of blogging, I’m giving myself a gift but also giving you a gift! *Wooot*
I’ve been purchasing Threads Magazine at the store for quite some time now, but silly me, I don’t have a subscription. Somehow I’ve never just sucked it up and paid for the full year at once.
So I’ve decided to buy myself a subscription to Threads and also buy 1 lucky winner a subscription too (or a knitting magazine of your choice if you’d prefer that instead.)
To participate in the Giveaway:
Please leave a comment letting me know how you first found my blog and how long you’ve been stopping by (if you can remember, that is).
Good luck everyone! I’ll be announcing the randomly choosen winner on Monday morning, January 28th (and will cut-off giveaway entries by 11pm on January 27th).
As always my giveaway is open to anyone, no matter where you live; since I’m pretty sure Threads magazine ships everywhere.
Last but not least, here’s the link to my very first blog post. Happy reading and thanks again for being a fan of Zilredloh,
P.S. My blog is pronounced *Zill-red-low*.
In: Miscellaneous
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