I thought today’s post would be an excellent piggy-back to my visual-overload-issue with Pinterest.
I dislike grocery shopping, as a result I make lists ahead of time and stick to the list. I like to pre-plan all of my meals for the week so I’m not wasting time or risk spoilt food. But as you could probably guess, I generally feel like I have better things to do than cook a meal all night, every night. I used to trade off with Felix in order to maximize each of our time in the evening, he’d cook a meal then I’d cook a meal, and so on. But it’s still a lot of cooking. We want to eat healthy, easily, which is kinda hard to do.
As I was sitting down on Monday night to write out my grocery list, I remember seeing an image on Pinterest for a crock-pot meal. I decided to click through and found a whole host of recipes on Ring around the Rosies’s blog for quick freezer meals, aka crock-pot meals. And they didn’t look too shabby!
So what did I do with this information?! I wrote up the recipes on a few recipe cards and that became my grocery list for the week.
Lucky for me, Felix went to do the grocery shopping Tuesday night while I was at the gym. I came home and showered, and when I got out Felix was just getting home, so for timing wise that worked out perfectly. I helped put the groceries away and decided that I wanted to prep a few meals for the crock pot. (This is about 7:45 or 8pm.)
After Felix heard I was going to do some “cooking” he felt guilty and stayed to help. We finished up at 9:30pm which was also my cut-off time to stop working. In 1 1/2 hours, we put together 4 full meals, which should feed us for a minimum of 8 days, not including “leftover” days.
I haven’t tasted any of these meals yet so I can’t attest to that aspect yet. But for the ease of NOT cooking for the next week and a half, I’m really looking forward to! The best part besides having to not cook, these meals are healthy! So much better than eating take-out. :)
I’m really looking forward to eating the Cilantro-Lime Chicken on the left the most.
Links to the recipes I used:
Have any of you tried some of these crock-pot meals? Curious how they turn out.
In: Miscellaneous
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